Banana Splits Club
The Banana Splits Club is an incentive for students to achieve all 3 of their splits. During April all students will have the opportunity to show their splits, and anyone who can successfully complete a full left split, right split, and straddle, will receive an invitation to the Banana Splits Ice Cream Social at the end of the year. Only students with membership into the Banana Splits Club may go to the Ice Cream Social. It is a fun, exciting event and a great way to get our dancers excited about their flexibility!
Jr. Camp Counselor
Our dance camps are very popular and sell out for every session. There is an opportunity for some of our older students to be involved with first-hand teaching experience, gain leadership skills, and still participate in all the fun! Jr. Camp Counselors are registered students, ages 13 and older, who assist with dance camp. Program cost is $50 and there will only be two Jr. Camp Counselor's allowed per session. These positions are on a first come, first served basis pending teacher approval.
Top Academic
Performers (T.A.P.)
Once every quarter we have a Parent's Night Out dance party available to all registered students. The party costs $15 per dancer and includes dance, games, and pizza. Students that have all A's on their report card for that quarter are considered our Top Academic Performers. T.A.P. students may bring in a copy of their quarterly report card for FREE admission to that quarter's dance party.